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AC Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Treatment

Asst. Prof. Dr. Youwanush Kongdan, Dr. Mathuros Sukwanich

Meaning of AC Chemotherapy

AC chemotherapy consists of Adriamycin (Doxorubicin) and Cyclophosphamide. It is a formula used to treat metastatic breast cancer or early stage breast cancer. The purpose is to destroy cancer cells and prevent the disease from recurring.

Components of AC formula

1. Adriamycin (Doxorubicin)

o Dosage: 60-75 mg/m2

o Properties: This drug has the property of destroying the DNA of cancer cells, preventing cancer cells from dividing and growing.

2. Cyclophosphamide

o Dosage: 600-750 mg/m2

o Properties: This drug destroys the DNA of cancer cells, inhibiting the growth and division of cancer cells.

Method of administration

AC chemotherapy is administered every 3 weeks, for a total of 4 times. This type of administration allows the body time to recover during treatment. And reduce side effects from the drug



1. Infection: Since chemotherapy can reduce immunity, patients should avoid contact with sick people and maintain good hygiene.

2. Heart complications: Doxorubicin can affect heart function, so it is important to monitor heart function before and during treatment.

3. Liver and kidney function problems: Patients should have regular liver and kidney function tests.


Heart management

Because Doxorubicin is toxic to the heart, patients should be assessed for risk and monitored regularly to prevent possible complications.

1. Heart function tests

o Ejection fraction (EF) test using an echocardiogram or MUGA scan: To check the function and structure of the heart and measure the efficiency of the heart.

o Electrocardiogram (EKG): To check the function of the heart and detect any abnormalities that may occur.

2. Prevention and management of heart failure

o In cases where there are problems, medications may be used to prevent heart failure, such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors.

o Strictly follow the doctor's advice.

Preparation before the drug administration

1. Physical and blood examination: A physical examination and blood test to assess the physical condition and readiness to receive the drug.

2. Consult a doctor: Consult a doctor about the drugs you are taking and other treatments you are receiving, as chemotherapy may interact with other drugs.

3. Mental preparation: Mental preparation and psychiatric consultation if you are stressed or anxious.

Possible side effects

The administration of AC chemotherapy may cause the following side effects:

• Fatigue: The patient may feel tired and weak.

• Nausea and vomiting: Chemotherapy can induce nausea and vomiting.

• Hair loss: Chemotherapy can damage the hair follicles, causing hair loss.

• Decreased immunity: Chemotherapy can reduce the number of white blood cells, which can lower the body's immune system.

• Diarrhea or constipation: The patient may experience diarrhea or constipation.

• Mouth and throat ulcers: The development of mouth and throat ulcers may make the patient feel sore and have difficulty eating.

Caring for mouth and throat ulcers

Mouth and throat ulcers are common side effects of chemotherapy. But it can be managed and prevented by taking proper care of yourself.

1. Maintain oral hygiene

o Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

o Use a mouthwash that does not contain alcohol to reduce irritation.

o Avoid using toothpaste that contains high fluoride.

2. Drink enough water.

o Drinking enough water helps to keep your mouth moist and reduces the risk of ulcers.

3. Eat foods that do not irritate.

o Avoid foods that are spicy, sour, or very salty.

o Choose foods that are soft and easy to chew and swallow.

4. Use medications and products to relieve symptoms.

o Use medications to relieve mouth sores, such as local anesthetics.

o Use oral care products that contain ingredients that help relieve mouth sores.

Self-care during AC chemotherapy

1. Maintain good hygiene: Wash your hands frequently and avoid contact with sick people to reduce the risk of infection.

2. Eat a healthy diet: Choose a balanced, nutritious diet. To strengthen the immune system and restore the body

3. Get enough rest: Getting enough rest will give the body the energy to fight the disease and restore itself.

4. See a doctor as scheduled: You should strictly follow the appointment and advice of the doctor.

5. Drink enough water: Drinking enough water helps to flush toxins from the body.


AC chemotherapy is an effective breast cancer treatment. It aims to destroy cancer cells and prevent the disease from recurring. Although AC treatment may cause various side effects, taking proper care of yourself and following the doctor's advice will help patients get through the treatment effectively and safely.ย


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