5. Where should we establish?

    After receiving our model, we briefly thought about our estimated monetary investment, because one of the most important criteria for establishing hospitals in Bangkok is land. We went location scouting as none of us trio own any land in Bangkok. It was indeed a major decision for us because land plays a vital role in deciding our investments, but also, the location must be easily accessible for both patients and physicians. 


    First, we started by looking at the map of Bangkok and put an estimate on which areas are mostly accessible, familiar to taxi drivers, and not too far away from the BTS sky train station. That way during the rush hour, everyone can just get off the BTS and take a motorcycle taxi to our hospital (doctors do that all the time in case of emergency). When we do our brief location mapping, we had to decide if we should establish our hospital on a vacant land or renovate on previous establishments. To buy, or to rent a land, within the budget range that we can accept. We then decided the two best options are either to rent and renovate on previously owned establishments, which is the most economical option or rent a vacant land. However, there is a disadvantage to renovating on an existing space which constraint our dream design with how space is configured.

According to our research, buying land in Bangkok requires over a hundred million Baht. Small shots like us would never be able to afford that. Afterwards, many questioned us why we did not buy the land. We could only laugh and thought to ourselves… We do not have that kind of money.


    We neither have connections nor any networks, just a trio of dreamers who dream about owning a business. For location scouting, we used the internet to our advantage, and we found so many that fit our criteria. However, the prices are all just too high. In the meantime, we also found out from Ben’s father about an interesting location as he drove around scouting location in the conventional way. He found a 2-3 acres of landscape, close by Phetchaburi road, adjacent to approximately 12 blocks of commercial buildings, making an L-shape with parking space in front. Phetchaburi road, once a location that we were not interested because it has been said to be a cursed location for all businesses and trades except massage parlors and hospitals; eventually became our starting point. Considering other factors such as the rise of condominiums, roads are not as dull since there are no BTS sky train stations to block the view, and the affordable prices has allowed us to be becoming interested with its location once again. We almost completed the rental deal but there were two blocks of the commercial building leased by a dental clinic which prohibits us from building. The Thai law states that hospitals must not be attached to other buildings. Our 2-3 months of effort were laid to rest, we had to start searching for a new location back at one again.

Remark:: There's no guarantee for fixed result and outcome was uncertainty depend on individual